May 2017 Newsletter now available
The May 2017 parish newsletter is now available online. To view this and past newsletters, click “Church News & Info” in the menu at the top of the screen, then choose “Bulletins & Newsletters”.
april newsletter
May 2018 Newsletter
The June 2017 Parish Newsletter is now available to read online. To view this and all other available documents, open the “Church News & Info” menu at the top of this page, then select “Bulletins & Newsletters”.
Orders for Marianna’s Subs will be taken until Sunday, August 20 with pre-payments, please. Order forms are in the back of the church. Subs will be delivered to Salem-Zion in Pillow on Wednesday, August 30.
July 2018 newsletter
The annual church picnic will be held in the picnic grove on Sunday morning, August 13, 2017 beginning at 11:00AM. Entertainment for the morning will be provided by the Saving Grace Band. Following the service we will enjoy a pot-luck meal. We welcome our friends from Pillow and all guests to this fun morning of worship and fellowship.