Cemetery Information and Rules

The Stone Valley Cemetery Association is charged with the care and administration of the church’s cemetery. The Association was chartered on May 16, 1932 and maintains the 11 acre cemetery containing nearly 2500 plots. Plots are available to both church members and the general public.
2021 Cemetery Association Board of Directors:
Butch Fessler, President
Mark Witmer, Vice President
Jeremy Shaffer, Secretary
Robert Ronngren, Treasurer
Ronald Heim
Truman Spotts
Pricing Information:
Plots are available for purchase by members of the church and by non-members. Plots are sold in quantities of 1, 2 or 4. Church members may purchase a plot for a spouse or dependent child at member price. Prices are current as of January, 2020.
Pricing for Church Members in Good Standing:
1 Plot: $200, 2 Plots: $400, 4 Plots: $800
Pricing for Non-Members:
1 Plot: $500, 2 Plots: $1,000, 4 Plots: $2,000
All plots sold will be within Section G of the cemetery, and will be assigned by the Cemetery Association to fill in the Section. For a $50 per plot fee, the purchaser will have the option to pick the location of the plots from available spaces within Section G. All plot prices include perpetual care of the plot. Only a single burial is allowed per plot. To purchase a plot, see any board member or call 570-758-2872 and leave a message for the Church Secretary to put you in touch with the appropriate person.
Opening Fees:
The following fees are charged for the opening & closing of a burial plot:
Standard Burial: $500, Cremation: $250
Information on Companion Burials:
About Companion Burials
For the purpose of the Association, it’s Rules and this document, a Companion Burial shall be defined as the burial or two (2) cremated individuals together at the same time, in the same single opening. A 2’x2’x2’ (two foot square) single opening shall be provided for the Companion Burial at the time requested and at the prevailing Cremation Opening rate as defined by the Association at the time of burial. As of this writing, the Cremation Opening rate is $250.
Why is an additional fee being charged for a Companion Burial on a plot that is already owned?
Fees from the sale of plots and the opening of graves are the only income for the Association, which is charged with the perpetual care of the Cemetery. Since 2 people are buried together in a single plot, we lose the income from the sale of a second plot. As Companion Burials become more popular, this additional fee is necessary to offset those losses. A Companion Burial still saves money for the owners, since only one opening fee is charged as opposed to two for two separate openings.
Purchasing a Plot for Companion Burials
If a plot is already owned:
If a standard (single burial) plot is already owned and a Companion Burial is requested for that plot, the party involved will need to provide proof of ownership of the existing plot (Perpetual Care Agreement), and will then be charged the prevailing rate for an additional plot.
If a plot is not yet owned:
A single plot can be purchased for a Companion Burial at the cost of one and a half times the prevailing rate for a standard plot.