35 events found.
The Ladies Aide will once again be holding their much-anticipated soup sale! They will be offering Ham & Bean, Vegetable Beef, Chicken Corn & Chili at $8.00 per quart. Orders are appreciated and due by September 4. Order forms are available in the back of the church or orders can be made by calling 570-758-4745 or 570-758-4038.
The Ladies Aide will once again be holding their much-anticipated soup sale! They will be offering Ham & Bean, Vegetable Beef, Chicken Corn & Chili at $8.00 per quart. Orders are appreciated and due by September 4. Order forms are available in the back of the church or orders can be made by calling 570-758-4745 or 570-758-4038.
Monthly Congregational Council Meeting - all are welcome to attend!
Everyone is welcome to join us in the cemetery for the dedication of the new flag pole donated by the Woodmen of the World, along with flag lighting provided by Carol Witmer in loving memory of Eugene Witmer.