June 2017 Newsletter Available
The June 2017 Parish Newsletter is now available to read online. To view this and all other available documents, open the “Church News & Info” menu at the top of this page, then select “Bulletins & Newsletters”.
Come out and support the Ladies Aide at their annual soup & bake sale! Chicken corn and ham & bean soup will be available along with chili and a variety of homemade baked goods. The event is held at the Grange Hall from 9:00-3:00 on Friday, 9/8/17 and again from 9:00-1:00 on Saturday, 9/9/17.
Orders for Marianna’s Subs will be taken until Sunday, August 20 with pre-payments, please. Order forms are in the back of the church. Subs will be delivered to Salem-Zion in Pillow on Wednesday, August 30.
The annual church picnic will be held in the picnic grove on Sunday morning, August 13, 2017 beginning at 11:00AM. Entertainment for the morning will be provided by the Saving Grace Band. Following the service we will enjoy a pot-luck meal. We welcome our friends from Pillow and all guests to this fun morning of worship and fellowship.
June 2018 Newsletter
View the bulletin for Sunday, February 11, 2018 by clicking the “Read More” button, then clicking here. All bulletins will be archived and are available under the Church News & Info -> Bulletins & Newsletters link from the menu at the top of the page.
The January 2018 Parish Newsletter is now available to read online. To view this and all other available documents, open the “Church News & Info” menu at the top of this page, then select “Bulletins & Newsletters”.