2024 Christmas Eve Services
We welcome everyone to join us for our 2024 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00PM here at Stone Valley. Additionally, our Parish evening service will take place at 10:00PM at Salem, Pillow.
We welcome everyone to join us for our 2024 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00PM here at Stone Valley. Additionally, our Parish evening service will take place at 10:00PM at Salem, Pillow.
We will gather in the Park at Salem-Zion Church of Pillow, July 5, 2020 at 9:00am and again at Zion Stone Valley Church, Dalmatia, 10:30am In the Sanctuary. Holy Communion will be celebrated. July 5 @ 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM You are welcome to come worship in the out of doors sanctuary. People gather in their vehicles. We invite you to bring your lawn chairs to sit outside your vehicles in nice weather This Worship now…
We invite everyone to join us for our beautiful candlelight Christmas Eve services. Celebrate the birth of our Lord through scripture and Christmas hymns. Our family service will be held at 7:30PM here at Stone Valley, while the traditional “midnight” service with the Sacrament will be held at Salem, Pillow at 10:30pm. We look forward to seeing everyone at one of the most special services of the year!
The Ladies Aide is once again holding their annual soup sale! This year Ham & Bean, Beef Vegetable, Chicken Corn and Chili will be offered at $8.00/quart. Advanced orders are appreciated (but soup will be available until sold out at the door) – to place an advanced order, fill out a form located in the back of the church, or call 570-758-4745 or 570-758-4038. The soup is always delicious, be sure to stock up the…
The Stone Valley Cemetery Association invites everyone to join us on Sunday, September 18 at 2:00PM in the Cemetery for the dedication of a flag pole generously donated by the Woodmen of the World. Work has been ongoing by members of the church to install the 28 foot pole, and we are excited about this new addition to the Cemetery. Lighting for the flag has been generously donated by Carol Witmer in loving memory of…
We welcome everyone to join us as we remember the events of Jesus’ last days on this Earth, followed by the most Holy celebration of Easter Sunday. Our Maundy Thursday Remembrance service will be held at Salem-Zion Pillow at 7:00 on April 14. We remember this evening the Last Supper and the commandment “Eat, this is my body, In Remembrance of Me.” Drink, for this is the cup of the New Covenant shed for the…
At the October 16, 2019 meeting of the Association, a vote passed to increase the cost of plots for non-members to $500 each. This increase is effective January 1, 2020. Any sales that were in the processes of being completed before that time will be honored at the old price. Plot prices for members in good standing of the Zion Stone Valley Church remain unchanged at $200. The Stone Valley Cemetery Association is in the process of…